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Fleetfoot Messenger Service - logo


Fleetfoot Messenger Services

Fleetfoot has several different service types to meet your delivery needs. From overnight deliveries to 15 minute service in Downtown Seattle, we can do it all.

The services listed below apply to our regular delivery area which extends from Everett to Tacoma, and from Puget Sound to the Issaquah Plateau. For deliveries outside this area, give us a call at 206-728-7700 for rates to these outlying areas, or click here.


  • STD – Standard (approximately 2 hours)
  • Rush (approximately 1 hour)
  • Dedicated (As fast as traffic, police and the laws of physics allow)
  • Sameday (pickup in the morning, deliver in the afternoon)
  • Overnight (pickup in the afternoon, deliver in the morning)
  • Overnight Priority (pickup in the afternoon, deliver by 9:00 a.m. in the morning)
  • Overnight Zoom (pickup in the afternoon, deliver by 8:30 a.m. in the morning)
  • DU – Double Urgent (30 minute bike delivery in downtown Seattle or Bellevue)

What it All Means

Our STD – Standard service is our most popular by far. We will pick up and deliver your small parcel anywhere between Everett and Tacoma, Seattle and the Samammish Plateau within two hours of your call.

We also have our Rush service, which will deliver your package within one hour (within reason. Everett to Tacoma in one hour would be impossible without violating any number of traffic laws even on Sunday morning at 3:00 a.m., much less Friday afternoon at 4:00 p.m.).

Does the fate of the Western World depend on your package being delivered right now? Then give our Dedicated service a try. We will have the nearest driver drop everything, go directly to pickup your package, and then deliver it to its destination without any stops in between. The only way to get it there faster is a Star Trek transporter. And they charge more. We also used the dedicated service for areas outside our regular service area of Everett to Tacoma and the Puget Sound to the Issaquah Plateau. Call us at 206-728-7700 for rates to these outlying areas.

Our least expensive services are Sameday and Overnight delivery. Samedays need to be ready for pickup and called in to Fleetfoot before 11:00 a.m. (noon in downtown Seattle and downtown Bellevue). We will deliver it before 5:00 p.m. that same day. Overnight packages need to be ready for pickup and called in to us before 4:00 p.m. (5:00 p.m. in downtown Seattle and Downtown Bellevue), or 30 minutes before the close of your business, which ever is sooner. We will pickup that day and deliver the next business morning before 11:00 a.m. For just a little bit more, we can deliver your overnight package by 9:00 a.m. or even 8:30 a.m. These are called Overnight Priority and Overnight Zoom respectively.

Use the DU to make bikeable 30 minute deliveries in downtown Seattle (as defined by Denny Way to the north, the waterfront to the west, Yesler Way to the south, and 1-5 to the east).

CLICK HERE to view a copy of the current Certificate of Insurance.

Contact us today for more information, or call 206-728-7700.

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